Saturday, June 14, 2008

Random 'Friends' on FaceBook

It's been under a week since I joined, and I've already had several friend requests from people that have made be think 'who the hell is s/he?!'

Um... And to find out, I had to add them, just to see if they were some poor underclassman that I'd only been introduced to once and I'd - in my scatterbrainedness (META LANGUAGE YAY) - forgotten...

Quite honestly, I still go 'wait a minute, did I even talk to this person for more than two hours in the whole time I went to the same school as them?!'

In fact, of one them I don't think I ever spoke to. Ever.

And it's just too rude to delete them. I think. <_<

So if you happen to be one of these people, do drop a line... I'm curious as to why you'd add some almost-stranger. I, at least, had a reason. ;)