Saturday, July 12, 2008

The Music Charts - Episode 1

After acquiring my provisional driver's license, my parents have made me drive them everywhere. At least, when I'm driving, I choose the radio station!

And thus we were listening to the radio - something I don't do very often - and I'm brought (sort-of) up to speed with the charts in the country at this moment.

Thankfully, I'd turned down the volume, or my mother would have been going "CHANGE THE CHANNEL NOW" when Katy Perry's song 'I Kissed a Girl' turned up.

Amused at this song, I was even more amused at all the people who commented on the music video/lyric pages/etc. that they 'loved this song' and that you shouldn't forget that 'im [sic] straight, btw'.

Really. So insecure in their own sexuality that they had to blatantly swing their heterosexuality around, despite the fact that the song is - essentially - one for heterosexual females that are very happy with their boyfriends, thankyou very much, they're just so drunk they're experimenting.

These are also probably the same people who get angry when homosexuals/bisexuals/pansexuals/anyone not like them 'rubs in' whatever makes them different... after all, they're so insecure they're afraid that if someone were to make even one positive argument about 'the other side', that they would 'fall' to the 'dark side'. *cough*

Anyhoo, heterosexual girls, this song's for you. Er... drunk heterosexual girls. *cough*